Saturday, 2 July 2016

Give your balcony a facelift!

Small-BalconyA home is really a home when you start giving it your own personal essence, and the final touches to make it feel like you belong, and when it transforms in to your piece of heaven. Houses and apartments in Sri Lanka have many different styles; some are two storied, some have patios, verandas and some have beautiful in door gardens.  Taking all this in to consideration a small balcony with a gorgeous view of the sunset, the ocean or series of buildings light up in the night could be a breathtaking moment.

In order to make it the typical hangout place, decorating it and making it comfortable is an essential task. Maximizing your space doesn’t have to be difficult, or thinking that your space is too compact shouldn’t be a problem to enjoy your time in it.

balcony-wallsThe first thing to start with are the walls – choosing the correct colours for your walls will make it look spacious, or you can just jazz it up with some spray paint and make it look as funky as possible. It is to do with your taste!

The next option when it comes to walls is to hang a painting or an antique piece that gives character to the entire area. There are many shops that have artefacts to suit your budget. Better yet, make something on your own – DIY stuff is in. Make it a hobby and make yourself a beautiful object to hang on your wall; a family tree, print out names of your loved ones and paste it on a board, hang pictures in any way that you like, the list is endless.balcony-seat

Then it’s all about the plants – creating an outdoorsy look is very inviting. Plants can be placed from the floor upwards, inside pots, and it could be kept on stands or on a folding table. Plants create a vibrant atmosphere and breaths a colourful energy that will sure to make you feel like home.

To chill there has to be comfortable seating. May it be bean bags, chairs made out of cane, cushioned benches, and if you have a little more space why not have a cute coffee table and some chairs? This can give you an opportunity to entertain your friends at the balcony.

It is important to understand your space and what you want to do with it, but it is also important to fill it with what you love. You must know what you want to use the balcony for; is it to entertain? Is it to enjoy the view? Or is it just for the greenery? This will help you build your little chill spot!

To conclude, make sure you give the place attention to detail – get a matching rug, a tiny shelf to keep some books, a cute side table can do wonders, but ensure to keep the center of the balcony empty for it to look spacious. Always play with colours to work around the vibe you are looking for. Happy decorating!   

Give your balcony a facelift!

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